The "Boot Tree"
Where do I begin? Well, Wednesday night I went to the freezer in the garage to get some hamburger out for dinner and realized that the freezer had quit working! Most of the food inside had started to thaw and it was a mess! I couldn't complain since we got the freezer for free about a year ago, but I was so frustrated because I have really started to fill it up! I frantically called my mom and she came up to check the temperature of the meat to see what was salvagable. I lost a bunch of chicken, frozen pizzas and microwave meals and some elk meat that I was storing for my sister. Sorry Keesh! My mom suggested that we check the outlet to make sure that it was the freezer that had quit working. I had already checked the breaker box and knew none of the breakers had tripped. Then I checked the GFI outlet in the garage and found one of them had tripped, so once I had reset it the freezer started working again! I was happy the freezer hadn't died but not looking forward to cleaning it out!
Clay had hurried home from Texas to be able to go camping and arrived early Thursday morning. Later that day, he was having some problems with his left eye and had lost about 75% of his vision. We called his eye doctor and he agreed to see us at 10:00 that night. He told us that he had a detached retina and would need to get to Salt Lake first thing in the morning for emergency surgery. So, we rushed to down to the Retina Specialists in Murray first thing Friday morning. The crazy thing is that this can happen to anyone at anytime and that the smallest thing can cause it. I know Clay was freaking out because he was so worried that he was going to be blind and it's a little difficult to drive a truck for a living when you can't see!!! The procedure that the doctors decided to do was inject a gas bubble into his eye to push the fluid out and force the retina to reattach. After injecting several needles and the gas bubble we were sent home and was asked to return again early Saturday morning to have them weld his retina with lasers. Needless to say the phrase "Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye" doesn't have the same meaning anymore. Clay said he'll lie all day long before he'll have another needle in his eye. (Which they did again on Saturday!!) I had the hardest time sitting in the same room while all of this was going on and knowing how much pain he was in. On top of all that he had been through he now has to sleep sitting up with his head tipped to the side to keep the gas bubble in the correct location on his eye. He still hasn't regained his sight yet.... but the doctor said it's a slow process. He will be examined again on Wednesday and we will know more then. I am hopeful that everything will be ok and he will be back to normal very soon. I don't like feeling so helpless!
Of course because of the eye surgery we weren't able to go camping this weekend. My mom and dad took the kids up on Friday night so that we could go to Salt Lake and so they would still be able to go. They had been looking forward to this trip for a couple of weeks. After I got home from the doctor on Saturday I went up to Beaver Mountain to go for a 4-Wheeler ride with the family and kids. We rode up to "the plane crash" where on January 6, 1953 a C46 plane crashed into the side of the mountain and killed 37 military passengers and 3 crewman while traveling from Seattle, WA to Fort Jackson, SC. There are still small pieces of the plane there and there is a monument that shows all of the names of the deceased. Then I took the kids and we went to find the "boot tree". It's a tree that I remember camping by as a little girl at Beaver Creek, I was always facinated by it and wanted to show the kids. It's a part of my childhood that I thought was so cool. I hope this next week is a little less eventful! :)
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