My heart goes out to the Andersen, Thurston and Roach families. My thoughts have been with them all week. I can't even imagine what they are going through. We had taken the kids over to Willard to see the Christmas lights Friday night and unfortunatly saw the terrible accident. It's a horrible tragedy. It has put a lot into perspective for me. Life is so fragile and short. How quickly everything that we hold precious and dear can be taken from us, whether it be a death or some other reason. It really makes you realize all of the things that are truly important. It's not about our possessions but about our families, friends and relationships that we make while we are here. The ones we love, appreciate and care for. It makes me wonder, have I made a difference? Do the people in my life know how much I love them? My husband and children mean the world to me, I can't imagine my life without them. Each one of them are so special and I cherish every moment that I am with them. I hope they know that my love for them is unconditional. They have brought me so much joy and happiness. It has been a difficult year with many challenges, tests and trials and not just for me, but people around me. It's hard to look ahead and be positive when everything seems to fall apart. It's natural to ask ourselves "Why me?" and feel sorry for ourselves. I feel like I've tried to be positive which I will continue to do. If we could only see into the future and know what lies ahead of us. It might make it a little easier.