Friday, September 24, 2010

First Day of School 2010-2011

I was so dreading the start of school, but it came quickly anyway. Where on earth did the summer go?? I was happy for the routine that school brings but not looking forward to the homework that comes with it. Not fun when you have a 7th grader!!!
I was good this year and didn't follow Conner into school with my camera in tow and embarrass the poor kid! This was hard for this picture taking mom!! I'm hoping for a fantastic year, sweet boy!

Courtney, on the other hand, is still young enough and doesn't mind the camera. Thank goodness! Before I know it she will be in middle school, uggg, don't EVEN want to think about that! Anyway, Court started 2nd grade this year and was SO excited to head to school.

Courtney & Mrs. Kenyon

What a cute 2nd grader! You are going to do great baby girl!

1 comment:

stephleatham said...

I had Mrs. Kenyon in second grade. Holy cow she must be old then, huh? haha funny thing is, she looks exactly like I remember.